Spring Has Sprung!
Hi Lilly Lovers!
We finally have our new site up and running! Now in an attempt to keep you up to date on all the latest OBX PINK (and other) news, we hope you’ll follow along with our OBX PINK BLOG! We’d love to hear from you!
What’s coming up?? Easter of course! We all know that Lilly is your go to place for spring dresses and Mommy & Me outfits! Coming down to the Outer Banks for your Easter Weekend? We’d love to see you!
We are joining forces with this Roanoke Island SPCA the Thursday and Friday before Easter. Between the hours of 12-3 on April 1 & 2, the SPCA will be bringing some of their furry friends up to our deck in the Waterfront Shops to visit with customers and hopefully find a new home! We’ll have fun promos and snacks, PLUS, 10 % of all sales that Thursday and Friday will be donated to the Roanoke Island SPCA! So come out and support one of our most loved local organizations! More details to come…